Check .net framework
Check .net framework

3 – 7 for each Azure App Service ASP.NET web application available in the current subscription.Ġ9 Repeat steps no. Once the change becomes active, the Azure Management Console should display the following confirmation message: "Successfully updated web app settings".Ġ8 Repeat steps no. NET Framework version dropdown list.Ġ7 Click Save to apply the configuration change. 3 – 7 for other subscriptions created in your Microsoft Azure cloud account.Ġ3 Click on the name of the web application that you want to reconfigure (see Audit section part I to identify the right ASP.NET application).Ġ5 On the Configuration panel, select General settings tab to access the web application general settings.Ġ6 In the Stack settings section, select the latest version of the. 3 – 6 for each Azure App Service web application launched in the current subscription.Ġ8 Repeat steps no. NET Framework version does not show the latest version available in the list (for example, v4.7), the selected Azure App Service ASP.NET web application is not configured to use the latest version of Microsoft.

check .net framework

03 Click on the name of the App Service web application that you want to examine.Ġ4 In the navigation menu, under Settings, select Configuration to access the configuration settings defined for the selected application.Ġ5 On the Configuration panel, select General settings tab to access the application general settings.Ġ6 In the Stack settings section, check the Stack setting value to determine the type of the software stack used by the selected web application.

Check .net framework