Destiny the collection upgrade not available
Destiny the collection upgrade not available

In this guide, we’re going to cover what Masterwork gear is (and isn’t), the perks Masterwork gear offers, and how to level up the gear you have to its maximum level. Like almost every system in Destiny 2, Bungie doesn’t explain Masterworks very well. In addition to a cool gold border and a kill tracker, Masterwork gear offers a range of goodies: Extra orbs, specific stat increases, and more. Masterwork gear adds a lot to Destiny 2‘s endgame, allowing you to boost the stats of a weapon past its power level with enough resources. Restores your weapon to its default appearance.Įquip this Weapon Ornament to change the appearance of Sunshot. The friction on this weapon's grip is particularly strong. Targets killed with Sunshot explode in Solar energy. This weapon fires explosive rounds and highlights targets that take damage from Sunshot. Sunshot can also be upgraded with the following perks:

  • Can be found in Exotic Engrams and purchased from Xûr.
  • Please note: Due to the game going free to play (New Light) it is not confirmed that this is still a legitimate way to obtain this gun. The player is given the choice to obtain Sunshot or Graviton Lance.
  • Sunshot is available as a reward for completing the Campaign mission Sacrilege.
  • Liu Feng laughed, her arms open for a fiery embrace.

    destiny the collection upgrade not available

    Ouros laughed in her face when she told her their name.

    destiny the collection upgrade not available

    She had forged the Warlock gauntlets herself.

    destiny the collection upgrade not available destiny the collection upgrade not available

    Meant as challenge and bribe at once-we offer you this. Sometimes, they left trinkets for the City. She and her allies were committed to their arduous, solitary task. But there was no rest out here, where the City Lights didn't reach. A silent salute to the Hive closing around her, their eyes forming a glowing jade ring. She bowed her head, heat shimmering from her fist.

    Destiny the collection upgrade not available